My Dream Cast for Daughter of Smoke and Bone

I found this video while searching book trailers that someone made for the characters of Daughter of Smoke & Bone. I agree with most of the characters, but i would prefer Sean Connery to voice Brimstone. Paul Walker also passed away recently, so I would probably choose an actor like Liam Hemsworth to play the character of Hazael.

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April 23, 2014 · 3:15 pm

The Wednesday Wars

Over my midterm break I read many books including The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt.  I was skeptical at first because I did not think that I would enjoy this book just reading the description of it.  

I found instead, that I enjoyed it immensely.  It is one of those books that takes you back to your childhood and growing up in a smaller town.  Every one knows everyone, and its seems like half of the town is related.  I found the book relatable since it reminded me of when I was a youngster and had many opportunities and everything seemed exciting.

Mrs. Baker was one of my favorite characters.  I admired the way that she treated her students.  She kept her distance from them but you could tell that she truly cared about them, their interests, and their growth.  I also enjoyed that she turned out to be an Olympic runner.  Every going-to-be teacher should read this book just to see the relationships between the students and teachers.  Mrs. Baker goes beyond what many might think for her students.  But she does it in an almost sneaky way, while acting like she only cares about diagramming sentences.  Did she remind anyone else of a younger, more attractive and athletic Miss Finster from Recess?

I also enjoyed the main character of the book, Holling Hoodhood.  He reminded me of Scotty Smalls from The Sandlot.  He always seems to get himself into some sort of pickle and he loves baseball.  Even though Holling lived on Long Island his whole life, unlike Smalls, they share quite a bit in common.  While reading I could just imagine Smalls narrating the whole story….”So there I was sprinting down the street to the Baker Sporting Emporium.  Blue cape straight out behind me, yellow tights and feathers you know where….”

The character I hated the most was that of Mr. Hoodhood.  I would gladly do number 319 to him.


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A few weeks ago I participated in my very first Open Mic Night.  

Originally I went because I was working on an article for my News Journalism class, but after many of my friends, and a couple of my professors, continued to ask me if I was going to read anything I finally got up and read two poems.

The first, a little ditty that I enjoyed from the movie Cocktail called Last Barman Poet, that I dedicated to my professors, one of which was at the bar getting another beer. (how ironic!)  The second poem that I read, however, was a very serious poem that I believe every high school student should read or know about.

I am usually not much of a poetry buff, but this is one of my favorite poems that also sends a powerful message.

The Dash

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend.

He referred to the dates on her tombstone, from the beginning…

to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth, and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash.

What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change?

For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more, and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile, remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.

So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash…

would you be proud of the things they say…

about how you spent YOUR dash?

                        -Linda Ellis


I believe that as a high school teacher, it is one of our jobs to prepare students for the real world.  I know that when I was in high school, an even in college, we become so used to the normal every day occurrences that we sometimes forget about what could happen or is happening outside of our little bubble.  Every student and person within the school system is dealing with their own problems outside of the classroom.  We often forget that the real world is waiting for all of us.  

Students should not be taught as factory zombies who do as they are told, but rather as people who will someday have to make their own choices.  Who have their own ideas.  Who have their own struggles.

Yes, reading often helps us to escape from reality.  But often times it is also reading that helps us come back to reality. 

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Confessions of an Adolescent Lit Junkie #1

Click HERE! DO IT!

I have many confessions to make, but this one is about reading.

I am a binge reader.

There, I have said it.

It seems that every time I find a book that I like I tend to read that book very quickly.  Then it happens to be that book is a series, so I read the rest of the series.  Now either of two things happen:

First, I finish the series and go into a slight depression that I am done with the series.

Second, I read the rest of the books in the series, and the next one does not come out until the next year.  Even more depressing.


I not only like to read a book quickly, but I usually read a book in a day, or at least try to if I really like it.  This may not seem like a problem, except for when I have classes that I need to do homework for.  And if I read the first book in a series that I really like, I will follow suit with the rest of the series.  For example: The Lunar Chronicles. (By Marissa Meyer)  I read all three of the books in approximately 4-5 days.  Now I am depressed because the fourth book [Winter] does not come out until 2015!

Another confession: When something like this happens, I have a difficult time starting the next book on my reading list…

Someone please invent a time machine!


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The Fault in Our Stars – Teaser Trailer #1 (2014) Official

So for my posts about the books I read, I’m usually going to try and do a “Bookly Lineup” of who I would imagine would be the stars in the film if they ever went to the big screen.  However, I just found out this morning that the first official trailer has been leaked for The Fault in Our Stars! (Fan-girl voice EEEEEK!)  So for this book I thought I would let you all enjoy the trailer!

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January 29, 2014 · 9:08 am

Reading Goals for Adolescent Literature


It is sad to admit, but by being in Adolescent Literature this semester I now have an excuse to read books that I enjoy for once. (While in college? Oh my!)  I am definitely looking forward to this class due to my enjoyment in YA Literature.  But this also poses a problem.  I consider myself a binge reader.  Sure I only have to read for four hours every week.  But I won’t.

I will be reading far more than that!  The reason I consider myself a binge reader is because once I start reading, I can’t stop!  Even if I knock out one book in an afternoon, I am likely to start another directly after I close the first book!  

This poses a problem since I know I will neglect my reading and homework for my other classes. (especially my online class)  So here is my goal: to control my binge reading! and get the work done for my other classes!  I would like to call this “rehabilitation reading,” since the reading for this class will be like relief from my other classes, and time to “rehabilitate” from reading I dislike, writing papers, and putting up with people who piss me off. (Yes, I just said that) 

Reading Contract:

I plan to limit myself to 3, ok let’s make that 4 books a week.  If I attempt to go over that, may my roommate take away all my books!  I am putting this down in my contract due to my tendency to ignore other classes.  Exceptions may include books read on the bus to and from track meets, or on the weekends when I have no other homework, or mid-term break.  Books to read, but not limited to, include books listed in the syllabus, books collected from trip to NCTE, books recommended by course instructor (Dr. Ellington), or books suggested by counsel of colleague.  I will endeavor to tweet an update of current book I am reading.  I will also undertake a goal to have a Bookly Lineup for each book I read.  Contract subject to change.

Signed: K. R. Blevins

Witness: B. R. Stickels (Roommate)

Date: January 26, 2014


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My Bookly Lineup: Caged Warrior

This is the first time I have done a post like this, but hopefully will be able to do one for all of the books that I read this semester.  

Have you ever read a books, and while reading it try to picture the character in your mind?  I do this all the time, so I thought of the idea of doing a bookly post to show other readers who I think of that could play the part of the character if the book was ever made into a movie.  Please feel free to comment about who you believe should be considered to play the part!  And just for the sake of it, the actor does not have to be the correct age, I know many of the people I choose are older than how I picture them simply from different movies that they have been in.

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer



I would choose Corbin Bleu to play the part of upcoming MMA star McCutcheon “M.D.” Daniels, also known as ‘Bam Bam.’  I chose Bleu because he fits the description that the books give fairly well.  You may recognize him for his roles on Disney, such as the High School Musical movies and Jump In!  To me, he seems like someone who could take the part of a troubled teen who tends to skip school and takes care of his little sister. 






For McCutcheon’s father, Damien “Demon” Daniels, I chose Michael Ealy.  I chose Ealy since I usually see him as a straight-cut, got-it-together kind of man.  However, McCutcheon’s father is an alcoholic, drug-addict, and womanizer.  I thought it would be interesting to see Ealy as Demon Daniels.  Michael Ealy has stared in Law and Order, Think Like a Man, and For Colored Girls.







Madison Pettis, at age five, would have made an adorable Gemma Daniels, McCutcheon’s youngersister that he takes care of.  Pettis, at this age, would have been idylistic as Gemma because she is young, cute, and shows a kind of innocence.  Her big chocolate eyes would make you melt on the spot! Movies that Pettis has been in includes The Game Plan and the Disney show Cory in the House.







ImageI chose Hugh Laurie to play the D-town science teacher, Mr. Freedman.  I think that Laurie would be good at this part since Mr. Freedman has led a tough life, but keeps going on in hopes of having the ability to save students.  We have seen Laurie as the cynical Dr. House, however, it would be fun to see him as the loving science teacher, Mr. Freedman, ex-FBI agent, who searches the school for ‘skateboarders’ to save. 



ImageAlthough she is very popular right now, I chose Jennifer Lawrence to play the smart and witty Kaitlyn.  When McCutcheon goes to visit Radiance High, he is given his tour by the beautiful and smart Kaitlyn, with whom he comes to have the first relationship with besides his sister Gemma.  Before Kaitlyn, McCutcheon kept to himself, but Kaitlyn helped McCutcheon to open up about his options for the future.  Lawrence is known for the Hunger Games, American Hustle, and Silver Linings Playbook





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The Boring Stuff

Many students during their high schools days are way more interested in wasting time playing video games, procrastinating, spending time with friends, and NOT reading.  When most children are young they like to believe that they can sneak under the heavy comforter and play with some form of technology involving blurry animations for hours in the dark without their parents storming through the door and plundering away their prized possession.  Most of the time, however, their parents do indeed steal away the infamous toy.  I guess I fell off that bandwagon since I never even owned any sort of video game growing up.  (I know, I was much deprived as a child, blah, blah, blah and my boyfriend and friends at college still make fun of my inabilities of hand-eye coordination in the gaming world.)  However, back to my point: My parents did not have to steal away a gameboy, or whatever they were called…they had to steal my flashlight and my book.  Still today I do not understand how my mother could tell I was reading when my room was upstairs, I was under the covers, AND I had the door closed.  MOTHERS!


Anyways, my point being is that many students only read when the HAD to, which was usually assigned reading, and frankly, the stuff was BORING!  As I currently read in “How Classics Create an Aliterate Society,” by Donald R. Gallo, he says, “I wasn’t READY for classical literature when I was 13, 14…17,18.  I was a typical teenager interested in teenage things.  The classics are not about TEENAGE concerns!”  I agree with him, most teenagers are not interested in literature dealing with adult concerns.  Teenagers want to deal with issues that are important to them, not what is mandated by the state for them to read.  I know that when I was in high school, if a book was assigned, I would usually read was I HAD to read, and then Sparknotes the rest.  I know that I was not the only student who used this method to pass English.  To be honest, I don’t think anyone fully read any of the books that we were assigned to read.  It is often difficult to get interested in books that you originally have no interest in, use language that is hard to decipher at a young age, and has content that is hard to relate to.  There are dozens of books that students could and should read, and none of them are considered “classics.”  They are modern adolescent lit books-yes! there is an entire genre dedicated to students the ages of 13 to 18, and even older.  Many of these books do indeed deal with issues that might seem a bit racy within the walls of a school, but in over all could make the difference in a student’s life.  WE SHOULD NOT STEER STUDENTS AWAY FROM THE BOOKS THAT THEY MIGHT NEED!  Books have the potential to change and influence students and are often able to make a difference in their point of view or how they are feeling.  Books can save lives.  But it seems that schools are only interested in having students read texts that, when you read them, you are expected dust and moths to come flying out when you open them.  Bring life back to books for students.  Get them interested in what they are reading!  Match them with the books that they will enjoy and relate to and possibly might need.

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Athletic Literature

For me, sports has always played in a great part of my life growing up, and continue to till this day.  During high school I participated in four different sports for four years straight, along with going to school and other extra curricular activities.  Today in class, Dr. X told the class something that I find very true relevant to all students, athlete or not.  “Difficult literature is much like an athletic opponent.  Practicing and competing against those who are bigger and stronger than you make you better.”  This is very true.  How can we expect ourselves to become better if we do not attempt to overcome more difficult opponents?  Both as a student and as an athlete, I have learned that in order to become better I, myself, must work to become better than my opponent.  During an NCTE session, Matt De La Pena said, “If you’re not in conflict, you’re not learning.”  In order for students to become better readers and to better understand difficult texts, they need to work through them.  If students continue to read the same type of stories and genres, same grade levels, same styles of writing–they will continue to do so.  They will not become better or worse.  They might just flatline and die in their academic advancements.  

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Grit Lit: Why it is Important

One of my favorite sessions that I attended at NCTE was saturday morning at 8.  The session was called Grit Lit: 3 Noted Authors Talk About Engaging Readers and Tackling Edgy Material in Their Books.  The three authors that presented this session were Alan Lawrence Sitomer, the author of Homeboyz and Caged Warrior, Mathew Quick, the author of Silver Linings Playbook and Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock, and Matt De La Pena, the author of Mexican White Boy and The Living.  I really enjoyed this session since the authors were talking about their own work and how teachers can use it and teach it in their classrooms.

The first author to present was Sitomer.  He likes to call his writing realistic fiction, in which people are able to relate to his writing through experiences of their own.  He would call writing biblio-therapy, because as he was writing, he would be able to work out problems in his own life and find an escape from them.  “There is an undeniable power in books.”  In his book, Caged Warrior, he explores both physical and emotional violence that a high school boy can feel growing up.  Sitomer also spoke about the idea and theme “No one can hurt you like the people you love.”

Quick spoke about different students that he had as a teacher and the impact that they had on him and his writing.  He asked the question, “Why do we teach literature?”  One way that he explained why we teach literature is “to comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comforted.”  One of our duties as teachers is to help our students to explore in their learning and to expose them to new information and experiences that they have not had before.  A person could say that teachers, especially high school teachers, help students to move from the world of innocence to the world of experience.

De La Pena spoke about how a book should be authentic and is not for everyone.  An author should try and make it authentic to their own writing and lives.  “If everybody likes you, you are lying to someone.”  A manuscript should try to tell the truth while find/promote understanding.  When exploring texts such as these, teachers should promote the themes found with in them, even if they are a bit chancy according to certain people.  De La Pena advised “Do not steer kids away from the books that they might need.”  Books like these are able to give students a reflection of themselves through literature.  Similarities to characters, such as sports, are only entry points.  Its beyond that what the students take in and find important.

Themes Grit Lit Explores:

  • Conflict
  • Emotion
  • Shame
  • Violence, both physical and emotional
  • Alcohol/Drugs
  • Growing Up


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